Jennifer Kircher Herman
Please note that I have previously published under the names Jennifer Carr and Jennifer Kircher Carr.

"Pastlives," in current issue of Fiction
"Morning Will Come," Little Fiction (and the trailer!!)
"In Motion," The Rumpus
“Keeping Pace,” Prairie Schooner
"Under the Same Starlit Sky," Monkeybicycle
"Afternoon in the Ward," Ghost Parachute
“I Was the Family Dog,” Eternal Remedy
“Bride 2,” Jellyfish Review
“Repeat Until You Believe,” Storyscape
“A List of Questions for My Grandmother,” Literary Orphans
“Applause,” Hobart
“Gargoyles,” North American Review
“Green Grass, A Fable,” Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art
“A Skating Incident,” American Literary Review
“Photo by the Bed,” Alaska Quarterly Review
“Counting to Ten,” Berkeley Fiction Review
“By the Barn,” BlackWater Review
Reprints of “Green Grass, A Fable” and “Photo by the Bed” in the anthology Brevity & Echo
“Weather,” Chiron Review,
“Where the Monarchs Hatch,” Nebraska Review
“Those Who Remain,” Black Dirt
“New Family Pet,” Fish Stories
“Eastern Frontier,” Caylx
“One Girl Driving,” Djinni
"In the Year of the Plague," Fiction
“Confessions of a Slush Pile Reader,” Poets & Writers
“My Unapologetic Ode to Melodrama,” North American Review
“Cell Memory,” in the anthology My Body, My Words
“Ten Tips to Make the Most of Your Workshop,” Writers & Books
Review of Kelly Link “Get in Trouble,” Ploughshares
Numerous articles, Edible Finger Lakes
“Organize Your Submissions System,” San Diego Writer’s Monthly